Dark Skin Spots/Scars Natural Treatments…


I am one of those people with a very very sensitive skin…almost anything leaves a scar or a mark. Ever since I was young I had to be careful with every product I used, with the sun and even with normal daily cleansing. But even though I tried to avoid it as much as I can, my skin got affected. By the time I was 20 my body had many dark areas and acne scars…It drove me nuts.

I went to dermatologists, put on as many products as I can remember, but still the result wasn’t satisfying enough. Nothing really worked well, and not to mention how expensive it is to get these treatments regularly.  So I decided to go natural…and to my surprise it worked perfectly.

I discovered that there are so many natural remedies out there for dark skin areas and scars. The more I searched the more I found. I tried so many over the years…some worked better than others; but generally speaking they worked wonders.

Today I am sharing some of my favorite and most effective natural remedies that I personally tried and absolutely love. This may vary from one skin type to the other; so make sure to try it first on a small area for sensitivity check.

1-      Lemons:


When applying lemons directly to dark or scared areas, you are slowly lightening up this part. It might take some time, but trust me it’s worth it all the way through.

You may cut half a lemon and rub it to the affected area, leave it to dry and rinse. I usually do this once or twice a day; morning and night. If you have sensitive skin you may dilute the lemon juice with some water so it wouldn’t sting as much.

Lemons are also natural detoxifiers which is always a plus.

You can also mix it up with some sugar and use it to exfoliate, with salt to remove black heads or mix it with honey for massive lighting and moisturizing effects.

2-      Baking soda:


Many people use baking soda for whitening their teeth, not knowing that it actually have the same effect on skin.

All you have to do is mix some baking soda (2 table spoons) with some warm water to create a paste; then gently massage your face or affected area for a minute or two with it in a circular motion and rise. Make sure not to leave it on your skin for long.

It magically removes dead skin, lightens and gives your skin this natural glow.

Don’t forget to moisturize after using this paste or any acidic (kind of stingy) mixtures on your skin, coz they tend to dry it out a little.

3-      Apple Cider Vinegar:


I just love this natural product so much. I discovered over the years that apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural remedies for SO MANY THINGS; skin, health, obesity, hair, nails and much more.

It works amazingly if used regularly. All you need to do is apply some of it on a cotton ball diluting it with some water so it wouldn’t be too strong on your skin…and just gently apply to the affected area. Leave it for a minute or two to dry out and then rise with water.

Trust me on this one…it is just perfect!

4-      Aloe Vera:


This natural product helps massively in treating and reducing dark skin areas and scars. As for Aloe Vera you can simply rub it on your skin and leave it for an hour, then rinse. You will see an improving in a matter of weeks.

It’s been proved that this amazing product not only helps in reducing dark skin areas, but also helps eliminating wrinkles, sunburns and stretch marks. It also has double the effect as it works as a moisturizer as well. Perfect Right!!

5-       Honey and Castor Oil:


Last but definitely not least…Honey and Castor Oil. Both of them are known for reducing dark skin areas and scars for a very long time. They also work as natural moisturizers.

You can simply apply any of them on your skin once or twice a week (More if you want).

They will work great if you used them with any of the pervious treatments. Both are known to be miracle products for their effects.

You can leave the oil on your skin to be absorbed, but as for the honey make sure to rinse after leaving it for an hour or so.

That is it, I hope you try them for yourself, they worked great for me.

And don’t forget to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize…

Have an amazing flawless skin and week 🙂


(Pictures are not mine)

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